Hooking a role in the film world

Photo Courtsey of Vann Gravage

Vann Gravage holding a monster trout.

Livingston local, Vann Gravage, discovered his love of fly fishing from his involvement in the production of “A River Runs Through It” in 1992 when he was just seven years old. The film was filmed in Livingston and is based on Norman Maclean’s novella about two brothers that are devoted to fly fishing.

Gravage, along with several other children from Livingston, found the opportunity to audition for the film from an ad in the local newspaper. For the audition process, Gravage was asked to answer a few questions. Gravage believes he was selected to play Young Paul Maclean because of his “goofy” responses during the audition.

Gravage expressed that he did not struggle while playing Young Paul Maclean because he got to play a child, at which he was already an expert. While filming, Gravage was directed in what to say and how to act because of his young age.

As a child, Gravage enjoyed interacting with the other people involved in the film such as Brad Pitt, who played Paul Maclean, and the director Robert Redford. Gravage also like playing around the film set.

After the filming of “A River Runs Through It”, Gravage received a few smaller roles acting in commercials. Gravage is currently 33 years old and is working as a land surveyor at Hallin and Associates. He still enjoys fly fishing as well as golfing, biking, and skateboarding at Livingston’s new skate park. During the winter months, Gravage enjoys skiing, bowling, and tying flies.