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In the past few years, debate has ramped up over the increasing use of phones by students. Some claim that phone use is inevitable as times change and classes move to online submissions and work. Others say that phones prevent students from being engaged and learning. Geyser Contributor Vicki Gasparakis polled 118 students and 14 staff members to determine how many believed phones should be banned at Park High. Out of the 118 students, four (all seniors) voted yes to the ban, 88 voted no, and 26 voted that it depends. Out of the 14 staff members, four voted yes, and 10 voted that it depends,
Teacher Reid Lende, who voted yes to the phone ban, says, “I am pretty much getting to where I completely want phones out of the classroom. There have been schools who have done it and it’s been positive. There is usually a withdrawal period but then schools have reported a huge turnaround with students interacting socially or just engagement in class.” Not one teacher voted no on the phone ban.
Senior Isaac Hauser, who voted no, says “I feel like it wouldn’t do much. Teachers already have their own rules on phones. There wouldn’t be any point in just banning them. They take away phones if they want anyways.”
Senior Tyler Grenier, who was one of the four people who voted yes, says “I think it’s just sad when you go into like a study hall classroom and you look around and everyone’s on their phones instead of socializing. It’s just gotten rid of the social aspect of school.”
Overall, freshmen were much more likely to vote no on the phone ban, while upperclassmen were more likely to vote that it depends on how and where they are banned. Sleeping Giant Middle School requires students to keep their phones in their lockers. Freshmen probably get very excited and overuse their devices because they are not used to having access to them. Teacher Kate Lende says, “There has been a lot of informal discussion about phones at school and across the country.” Although there have not been formal conversations over banning phones at Park High, the new incoming administration may decide to begin such a discussion.