District to consider adding adding baseball as a high school sport
During this past fall baseball was introduced to the Montana High School Association to become a high school sport. Creating an opportunity for Park High to add a new athletic program. Baseball was last sanctioned in Montana high schools in the 1970s. It was cut due to poor spring weather and long travel distances.
With the addition of Girls Wrestling Park High has the opportunity to add a male sport. Due to Title IX you need an equal amount of sports for each gender, Currently, 19 schools have baseball for the 2022-2023 season. Park High has the option to wait and see how other schools are handling the new addition, according to activities director Nate Parseghian. Parseghian said the school board may make their final decision on baseball for the 2023-2024 season.
The issue of funding that comes with every sport affects baseball as well. The parents in and around the Livingston area have volunteered to fundraise for baseball. The 2021-2022 Legion season was cut short due to lack of players.One of reasons for there not being a ton of players interested in playing for the Braves was because of the long season which takes up most of the summer. High school baseball would create a shorter season because it would only be in the spring. The shorter season would create more interest which could increase the amount of players.
Parseghian explained how the addition of baseball would bring a positive atmosphere to the community. The addition of the spring sport would give the community another way to get out and enjoy the sun. In comparison to the harsh weather of fall and winter sports, the players and community have an option to enjoy the warm weather. From personal experience playing baseball, the energy that the crowd brings is a large part of the game. The crowd elevates the energy on the team and boosts morale. Since baseball is such an important sport to America and is considered “America’s pastime” many in the community have a strong feeling for baseball. Adding baseball to Park High athletics would bring a new fanbase and level of support from the community.