Park High student to head to Nashville for a career in music

Eric Schmidt

Senior Robert Wolf

Senior Robert Wolf plans to head to Nashville, Tennessee after he graduates to pursue a career in music. “My dream is to go to Nashville with my sister and get my start there and just hit the pavement, wheels turnin. Really just try to get my name out there and then hopefully make it big,” Wolf said.

Dreams only come true with hard work, and although Rob was blessed with an amazing voice, he still works hard to better himself. Every Friday he sings at Sage Lodge in Pray, MT. He also gets invited to sing at other venues. Wolf got his start by singing at Zocalo coffee shop in Bozeman, MT.

Singing has always been his passion and two years ago he started playing the guitar. A lot of his influence came from his older sister who is also a musician. His family encouraged him to keep singing and gave him a lot of confidence.

Here at Park High, Rob is in the chamber choir and said that it will help him with his future music career. “It makes me a better singer with vowel formation and opens my eyes to more varieties of music,” he said.