Who owns the D-pod? Seniors say it’s them

Previously the D-pod has been used by upperclassmen to relax and even get work done. It has recently been the number one go to for some of the freshmen in the morning.
The D-pod couches are filled almost every single morning with freshmen. They play on their phones, talk to one another and stand anywhere and everywhere.
Joshua Morales, one of the many freshmen who sit in the pod, claims that the group began sitting there around the middle of the year.
“A lot of people who sit there have classes in that pod for first period” said Morales.
D-pod teacher Miya Tennant feels that it has been taken over instead of being shared explaining how they stand and take up the entire area. She also explains how the students treat it more like a home, the students don’t care if they are on their phones while people are talking to them, or they don’t understand that it’s rude.
“I think it is a bit unnerving to walk into the D-pod in the morning and the majority are on their phones,” said Tennant.
Some of the upperclassmen that have previously sat there do not seem thrilled about it.

Freshmen sit in their newly conquered territory browsing the web on their phones.