I clearly remember the very first time I encountered our Danish Exchange student, Magnus Sloth Huss. My very first time walking into our first football practice this year Magnus was standing around and introducing himself to our entire football team. He had just arrived in our country and I could tell that he was a little nervous.
I came up and talked to him, and he spoke in a very strong Danish accent which I thought sounded super funny. He was quite tall and scary looking. He talked about his home country and that he had played football in Denmark. I did not know that people played football there and that he came here to play football.
From that day on I knew he was going to become one of my very good friends. He was the running back for our team and I could tell that he loved the game. He always had fun and had great energy, which I really enjoyed. Throughout the entire season we became closer and closer friends.
Now he has become one of my best friends. We have had some memories that I will have with me the rest of my life. I very clearly remember how we went up and played basketball at M street and went and hung out at carters bridge. Those are some amazing memories.
Unfortunately, he will be going home to Denmark in one month. It is so weird having someone come into your life and become such a good friend in just one year and suddenly you have to say goodbye to that person. I’m sure he will come back and visit me in the future but he has to finish his school back in Denmark so that limits how much he can come and visit.