Class President William Tyner is fulfilling promises he made in last year’s election.
Throughout his campaign, Tyner pledged to establish class representatives for every grade. The goal behind this objective was to grow Park High School’s student council, while also creating diversity within it. “I want every grade to have a voice in the council,” explained Tyner.
After the Class of 2025 Presidential election, the campaigning opened for the Class Representatives. With the school year quickly coming to a close, time was limited, causing the campaigning to be too. However, this didn’t stop students from going out for the positions. Every grade had at least three applicants, knowing that only two students would be chosen for each class.
On April 25, voting for the class representatives was held during both lunches. Since there would be two candidates elected for each grade, the ballot was set up in a ranking system. Students were able to list their top choices instead of only being able to write one name. However, while Park High students could vote on representatives for the incoming sophomores, juniors, and seniors,, the incoming freshman could not. With difficulties in reaching these students, since they are still currently in middle school, the staff of Sleeping Giant Middle School will be asked to recommend students for the positions. Once a list is narrowed down, the students selected will be offered the representative position. They can then either choose to accept or decline the offer. They will work through the candidates until two agree to accept.
With the vote having already taken place, the selection of class representatives has been finalized. For the incoming senior class the two elected are Morgan Sites and Landess O’Dea. For the incoming juniors, Noah Craig was elected. The two other candidates for this class, Cadi Perkins and Peter Currie, tied during the vote on Thursday so another vote will take place in the following weeks to decide the other representative. Finally, for the incoming sophomore class the candidates elected were Adam Taitelbaum and Ben Strong. The incoming freshmen representatives will be decided in the following weeks.
This year’s student council has worked to make some big changes within. Along with the addition of class representatives, the council has worked to get a seat at the school board meetings and to rewrite their constitution. Tyner hopes that these changes will stay with the student council in the years to come and to help it to grow.
Class Representatives elected for next year’s student council
Student council president William Tyner speaks at an all-school assembly at the beginning of the school year.
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About the Contributor

Erika Haines, Editor
Hello! My name is Erika Haines and I am a senior at Park High School.
I have played Varsity Softball for the past three years of high school and was voted co-captain in 2023. I have also participated in Speech, Drama, and Debate for the past two years. I took fourth place at Divisionals in Original Oratory in 2023 and have qualified for state both years. I am an active member of National Honors Society too.
I have interests in photography and sports media. This fall I have the honor to be media personnel at Montana State University football games. This opportunity, along with being on the Geyser staff, gives me the chance to explore the field of journalism.
My father, Kevin Haines, was also a part of the Geyser staff back when he was in High School. He was a layout editor in 1985-1986. It is a pleasure to be able to continue something my father worked on all those years ago.