Going into February third’s C-squad game against the Hardin Bulldogs, the Park High Lady Rangers “expected lots of pressure” because “Hardin is always a really tough team,” says coach Megan Burns. Although the Rangers lost 42-35, freshman Natalie Hoffman, who scored the most points at 15, thinks that “all our team really banded together.”
By the end of the first quarter, the Rangers were behind the Bulldogs at 12-11. They kept playing hard in the second quarter, getting fouled by the Bulldogs at three minutes, and shortly after fouling the Bulldogs back. With four minutes left, Natalie Hoffman made a basket for two points, got fouled, and made a free shot. Park was twice fouled and missed both free shots with two minutes left on the clock. Freshman Lexi Melin was fouled by Hardin shortly after, and made both of her free throws, pushing the Rangers ahead at 17-15. The Bulldogs scored a three-pointer, but by the end of the quarter the Rangers racked up two fouls to Hardin’s five and finished ahead at 21-19.
In the third quarter, the Rangers continued fighting, inching ahead of Hardin, ending with 32-29. Hoffman made five more points, and Melin proved her defensive prowess. At the 2:31 mark, the score was 32-23, but Hardin made three two-pointers in quick succession. Park fouled six times, while the Bulldogs fouled four times.
As they entered the final stretch of the game, the Bulls ramped up their efforts and ultimately won by seven points. 30 seconds into the quarter, Hoffman scored, pushing the Rangers up to 34 points. The only other point they scored was a free pointer by Melin with little over half the quarter left. Park fouled four times, while the Bulls fouled six times.
All in all, Natalie Hoffman says that “We were the underdog for sure, and I am really impressed on how we played the game.” According to Coach Burns, “the whole team stepped up.”