Door Dash is a growing company in many cities around the U.S allowing people to order food and other goods without leaving their homes and get it delivered directly to them. In 2022, Door Dash had 32 million users. This puts Door Dash as the top food delivery app in the US followed not so closely by Uber Eats. But do things like Door Dash have an impact here in a small town like Livingston or a slightly larger place like Bozeman?
When asking about 40 people if they knew about Door Dash and its options here in Livingston and Bozeman, 31 said they don’t use it, and about nine said they do. Addyson Norquist said, “I do not use Door Dash because I can just get in my car and get food in our small town.”
Among the nine people who do use Door Dash is Park High School Math teacher Drew Fuller who lives in Bozeman. “I do use Door Dash because it is convenient in the fact that as a teacher I’m not home until six at night. Having to prep and then cook dinner is really hard sometimes,” he said.
It seems like the main reason for Door Dash use is simply convenience. Tyrel Tyner, the student history teacher here at Park High, works part-time for Door Dash in Bozeman and has been doing that for about four weeks. He says, “It’s fairly popular but really depends on the day. Sometimes you can get more orders than you can handle.”