Daily Announcements
October 9, 2023
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Erika Haines, Editor
Hello! My name is Erika Haines and I am a senior at Park High School.
I have played Varsity Softball for the past three years of high school and was voted co-captain in 2023. I have also participated in Speech, Drama, and Debate for the past two years. I took fourth place at Divisionals in Original Oratory in 2023 and have qualified for state both years. I am an active member of National Honors Society too.
I have interests in photography and sports media. This fall I have the honor to be media personnel at Montana State University football games. This opportunity, along with being on the Geyser staff, gives me the chance to explore the field of journalism.
My father, Kevin Haines, was also a part of the Geyser staff back when he was in High School. He was a layout editor in 1985-1986. It is a pleasure to be able to continue something my father worked on all those years ago.

I am a senior at Park High and I play softball and I enjoy hanging out with friends and family.