Booster Club
Booster Club is an organization that raises funds to provide support for activities and athletics at Park High. Concession stands have been operating with full strength during the soccer, football, and volleyball games to help fund the club’s projects. This year volleyball received warm-up shirts, and every year teams get t-shirts from the Boosters customized to their own sports.
Individual athletes who qualify for state will be recognized by a congratulatory dinner at a local restaurant with their coaching staff. The dinner is completely covered by the club.
“Last year was Booster Club’s biggest fundraising year, raising close to $49,000 all of which was put back into the school,” says Brooke Weimer. Booster Club is striving to break this goal, “shooting for a $60,000 year, with that, they can provide a lot more events like Ranger Rush and Senior Night,” said Adria Rogers a Booster Club member. “The overall goal is to have more money to spend on students,” she explained.
The club commends state qualifying teams, including golf, and both soccer teams, congratulating them for a job well done, recognizing the whole student-athlete body on a good season.