Park FFA Wins NILE Competition
The Park FFA Chapter took 12 students to the Northern International Livestock Exposition (NILE) in Billings, MT on October 17th. The sales and service competition is comprised of a written test, a team problem where judges as questions about how they would deal with customers, sales scenarios, and the knowledge of the product they are selling, and an individual sale with a judge. They put together a binder of the given products they are to sell; this year it was Purina feed supplements. The Sales and Service Team competed with 36 other teams for the champion title. They took home the 1st place win. Individually Katelyn Frost placed 2nd out of 144, Ava Malone placed 7th, Haley Rigler placed 6th, and Kaylee Roberts placed 10th. Congratulations to this team!
There is Livestock evaluation at the NILE as well, and Park FFA had multiple outstanding scores in this competition. This event consists of 8 different livestock classes and giving reasons on your placings for 2 specific classes. Freshman Annie Keyes placed 2nd in the junior livestock out of 213 members, and 48th out of 600 members in the overall scores of both Junior and Senior. Violet Browning placed 52nd, Kai Welton at 159, Kamryn Miller at 203, and Athena Armstrong at 212. In Senior livestock Emily Jesson placed 91 of 284, Karlie Payne 142, Zoey Payne at 226, and Brandt Carter at 276.
Congratulations to these awesome teams representing Park High!