Homecoming week capped by pep assembly

Connor Younker

John Adams leads the pack in the Homecoming assembly relay race Wednesday, Oct. 21.

Cade Gubler, Dakota Marie Burgess and Cole Bartz race from their hula hoops to the scooter portion of the relay. (Connor Younker)
The A-day students were spread out between all four bleacher sections in the gym to maintain social distance. (Kate Lende)
Activities director Nate Parseghian asks students to cheer for their favorite toga. (Kate Lende)
Seniors dressed up for toga day were awarded candy for their spirited costumes. (Kate Lende)


A unique Homecoming week was concluded for A-day students Wednesday, Oct. 21 with a morning pep assembly featuring a toga contest and relay race.

Activities director Nate Parseghian kicked off the festivities by calling up the five seniors who wore togas for the traditional senior dress-up day.  Student body president Jack Miller joined Rainna Floyd, Skylar Higgs, Fionn Camp and Nathan Brown in flaunting their Greek garb.  Audience applause crowned Brown, with his Park High socks, the winner.

A relay race pitting freshmen through seniors against each other ended the assembly, with the championship round proclaiming freshman Cole Bartz the winner.


Rainna Floyd and Skylar Higgs demonstrate the first part of the relay: spinning around for a dizzying 10 seconds. (Kate Lende)
John Adams completes the relay by doing the Chicken Dance at the finish line.