Haglund to retire after lengthy career in Livingston
Health Enhancement teacher Nancy Haglund will retire this year after 36 years teaching, 29 of them spent in the Livingston School District. Haglund will leave behind a lasting impact on many of her students, along with Park High itself.
This plan has become bittersweet for Haglund as she reflects back on her many years spent here. One of her favorite parts of the job is getting to see the amazing physical progress that kids have made over the years. “I love the fun assemblies and just all of the little things about the school,” Haglund stated. She will also miss just getting to spend time with high schoolers. “I’ll miss getting to brag you guys up to people out in the community cause you guys are really cool.”
However, after many years here, Haglund is excited for something new. She is looking forward to being flexible and getting to choose what she does and when she does it. Haglund also has a five-month-old grandson that she is hopeful to travel and see more often. Along with more flexibility, she is hoping to spend more time on her own needs and her family’s. She looks forward to getting to choose when and if she works.
Haglund wants to travel and be able to ride bikes in her favorite place, the Tetons. Plans are also in the works for her to adopt a rescue puppy this upcoming summer. “I don’t anticipate that I will ever be bored,” laughed Haglund.
Fellow co-worker and health enhancement teacher Ben Hahn is sad to see Haglund go. Hahn explained, “I have been lucky to be able to work with someone who has so much knowledge and experience.” Hahn said he has greatly enjoyed building the health enhancement department over his last three years spent with her. “She had a vision of what that could look like and we were able to make it happen together,” he shared.
When asked if there had been any struggles between the two of them, he shared that it had been nothing but smooth sailing. “We like to have fun working together,” he said.
Hahn feels that it will be tough to fill the shoes of someone who has done so much for people throughout the years. “However, I know she is excited to embark on the next chapter of her life,” he said. He hopes that the next teacher will be able not only to build off of Haglund’s strong foundation, but also bring in new ideas to help the program continue to grow.
Haglund’s students were surprised to learn of her leaving. Many didn’t believe that she had been teaching for so long. “She really helped me get in shape my freshman year which has helped me so much,” shared junior Mackenzie Watt. Everyone is happy that she is getting to go have her fun and to especially get her puppy.
After her many years of hard work and dedication, Haglund is happy to leave, still loving her job. Many feel she will leave Park a better place than before. Haglund plans to always keep her memories with her.