FCCLA continues Valogram tradition to raise money for club
Senior Shania Johnson delivers a Valogram to senior Scarlett Saile in the library on Feb. 13.
Valograms are offered at Park High and other Livingston schools. It’s a way to celebrate Valentine’s Day by sending someone a gift but it’s also a way to help out Family, Career and Leaders of America (FCCLA). They took over this fundraising tradition from the Truth, Nobility and Trust (TNT) club a few years ago.
Melissa Cahoon, attendance secretary, says she’s been involved in Valograms for 12 years in some form. She says she still does it because it helps our clubs and it’s a great way to celebrate.
FCCLA members help sell, assemble and deliver the Valograms to help fundraise for state and other expenses.
This year the sales were good, just about the same as previous years, Cahoon said. The Golden retriever and the mountain goat have been the most popular stuffed animals sold.
Valograms are one way to help out an organization and to celebrate Valentine’s Day.