Disney introduces a new sequel to the big screen

Pure nostalgia. “Frozen II” brought me back to my sixth grade math classroom with Mrs. Raw, listening to Malea Coleman sing the instant classic “In Summer” by Olaf. Back in the winter of 2013, Frozen was all anyone could talk about. Talk died down quickly, but the fond memories of the movie remained. Watching “Frozen II” will instantly rekindle those frozen memories.
The past behind, “Frozen II” lived up to the excitement that it generated. The previous “Frozen” movie was the highest grossing animated movie of all time, and many expectations were put on it. I was not expecting to be so entertained by the sequel, but it did not disappoint. It was more thrilling than the first movie, with more danger, and fighting, and adventure. However, it kept the same happy demeanor of the first movie.
Disney has been hyping up this sequel for a long time, with teasers and short films , such as “Frozen Fever,” which was released in 2015.
Spoilers aside, this sequel introduces more loveable characters along with all of the originals from the first movie. If one were to try to watch “Frozen II” without watching the original, it would probably make no sense. The movie is a direct continuation off of the first movie, even though it is released eight years later.
In “Frozen II”, you can expect much of the same classic sing along songs and as many cheesy Olaf jokes as the first movie. Everyone would recognize the classics from the original movie, such as “Love is an open door”, and “Let it go”. The songs in the new movie did not quite live up to my expectations. They were not as catchy as they were in the first movie. There were no instant classics like “Let it Go”.
My favorite part about the movie was the love connection between Kristoff and Anna. It was a cute romance, deepened by Kristoff’s dramatic solo with his reindeer companion Sven. There were hints at the beginning of the last movie that there might be a connection between the two, but we did not get to see if fully develop until “Frozen II”.
The theater was largely populated by young girls, but the ages varied largely. There were teenagers who were young when the last movie came out, along with many grandparent aged folks and parents, proving that “Frozen II” is the perfect family movie.
When you go to watch “Frozen II,” make sure you stay until after the credits, as there is a short scene after, involving Olaf and his snowman friends.
I would highly recommend “Frozen II” for anyone looking for something to do instead of sitting inside all day this winter. It will bring back memories of the first movie, along with the thrill of a new adventure, with Elsa, Anna, and Olaf. This sequel is a classic Disney movie that will bring joy to the whole family.