Yoga comes back to Park High School
The three attendees at Yoga on Thursday stand in tree pose.
During the beginning of winter and the end of the first quarter at Park High, students can get extra stressed out. But thanks to School Nurse Holly Sienkiewicz and the Livingston Education Foundation, Park students and staff have a chance to release their stress with yoga every Thursday from 3:45 to 4:30 p.m. in the library.
Yoga instructor Karen Stenseth will be coming to the school every Thursday from October 31 to December 5. Both Sienkiewicz and Stenseth are excited about the set of lessons and are hoping for more students and staff to get involved and come.
Tristan Stenseth said he goes to yoga primary because his mom makes him, but he enjoys going. It “calms him down and relieves stress,” he said. He also says everyone should come and try it out.
Yoga started at Park High last year when Sienkiewicz wrote a grant to LEF for supplies. She received it and was able to buy 20 mats, blankets and blocks. She is really hoping that students of all types and staff, of course, come and try it out. Setting this all up, Sienkiewicz said this was “something she can do, to help the stress”, and that she “Hopes our students discover yoga to calm their minds and feel better.”
At the first session this past Thursday (Halloween), there were only three attendees. Last year it started with around 20 and towards the end there were around five. Hopefully this year more students take advantage of this free opportunity and give yoga a chance.