Take a trip to the Ag Department

Take a trip to the Ag Department

Whether it be rain or shine, study hall or lunch, the ag kids are faithful to the ag room. Most of the kids who congregate in the room during class, lunch, study hall, or even before and after school have grown up with each other, or have known each other for a long time, so naturally they’re still friends, and their corral is the ag room. From locking Jarret O’Hair in the cabinet to Josi Jessen painting Madi Clarke’s face with house paint, many memories have been made here, along with many friendships. Upon walking into this room you’ll hear laughter, and occasional foul language here and there; you’ll smell
small wafts of cow manure coming from kids’ boots, and sometimes sawdust or the fumes from welding; you’ll see “Peace Tea” cans scattered among the desks along with whatever snack may accompany the drink, and desks organized just the way the students like them, which isn’t very organized at all. Ag kids thrive off ice cream, goldfish, Airheads,
stale candy, and an all-time favorite, pickles. It’s an interesting food combo but it’s what they like. Drinks consist of, as said before, Peace Teas, decorated Yeti cups filled to the brim with coffee and creamer, and lots of soda. Our school wouldn’t be the same if it didn’t have ag kids. There’re many different groups that make up Park High, and the ag kids are one of them.