Internship takes junior to elementary school to help children
Brianna Pittman helps a first grader in Taylor Neibauer’s class during her career internship seventh period.
At Park High, students have the opportunity to do an internship to help them figure out where they are going after they graduate. Brianna Pittman is one of the students who took this opportunity. She started an internship at Winans Elementary School with first grade teacher, Taylor Neibauer.
Pittman drives to the elementary school every day after sixth period. By the time she arrives, there is only ten minutes left of school, and this is when they do their reading and writing activities.
“I think my favorite activity I help them do is help them write, because it is fun to see what the funny first graders write about” said Pittman. Many of the students ask her for help and really seem to enjoy having her there.
According to Neibauer, “the kids haven’t attached like usual, only because they see her ten minutes a day. They are very sweet and kind to her and they seem to appreciate her being here to help whenever she is here.”
Pittman chose this as her internship because she enjoys being around children and teaching is one of the options she is considering to pursue after graduation. According to Pittman, the children have impacted her in a way that makes her realize that “in high school we lose a lot of the kindness and learning how to be kind, so it’s fun to go back and remember what they are learning.”
She hopes this experience will help her decide what she wants to do after high school.